Drupal Contribution Survival Guide

Contributing to an Open Source project has many rewards but also many challenges. This talk aims to help a beginner get started plus provide advice on scenarios that any level of contributor many encounter along the way.

Where do we get started with contribution? Find out what to work on, who can help you, and the best ways to share your ideas.

New to the Drupal community? Find out how to get involved and feel part of the community.

Perhaps you have tried contributing before and had a bad experience? You will hear how to overcome this and how to succeed at your first contribution sprint.

Only able to attend a few events a year or only contributing from home? Find out how to find help online, how to find things to work on by yourself, and how you can host contribution sprints in your local community.

Drupal contribution involves giving and receiving feedback within a large dedicated community from all over the world. Find out how to communicate effectively in the issue queue and how to deal with tough communication experiences.

Contributor burnout is a huge problem within Open Source. It can affect anyone at any level. What are the signs? How can we look after ourselves and support others?

At the end of the talk there will be time for Q&A plus an opportunity for the audience to share their contribution experiences.

DrupalCampSpain 2016